Thursday, January 9, 2014

Six years in

Uhhh.... I won't repeat all that "trying to find balance" stuff, because it seems clear enough that I'm still looking for it.  One thing I have found since I last wrote, is a long list of more things that need to be done.  So here are some fun things that have gone on since this summer.

On my birthday (earlier this week) I finished writing a script - something I have never done before, and LOVE doing! And I also saw this review of our album for the first time.  I think if I had known as a teen that a decade ahead I would be called a "wallflower on fire" I would have smiled a little more often ;)     frontline press album review    (I was a seriously-secretly-shy gal. Probably still am)

We have also been playing out of town in higher doses. Sticking to the PNW, we've made forays into Olympia, Portland, Boise, Spokane, Bremerton, and I don't remember where else. This month we're really burning some rubber. We are in Corvallis this weekend, Seattle and Silverdale next weekend. And the following weekend has turned into a lot of driving for me... Spokane, Bozeman, Boise.  Fun stuff indeed. We are planting our seeds, and breaking some ice { and oh man it was so cold the last time we were in Boise!!! Sub zero. I had to drink 3 beers to get the gumption to put my costumes on - something I never do. AND then I had to run off stage during an instrumental break to pee.  Sorry for the details, but I thought it was hilarious, and was glad I didn't pull a Fergie moment...}. Olympia review - Oh, and we're back in Oly on Monday the 20th too.

Scobra and I are still writing new tunes at a furious pace, and I SWEAR we will release AT LEAST one album this year, if not more. Our problem is organizing and polishing, not writing... Which I suppose is a quality problem to have.

All in all, though I wish there were more time in the day to get things done, this year is looking to be a sizzler. And the end of this month, January 26th to be exact, marks the anniversary of recording our first song: Killing Time. I think we're 6 years in now. And 6 is my favorite #


Oh yeah, here's a cool poster to look at too.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Full Throttle

Balance is one HUGE lesson I am still working on.  Events and opportunities have been raining down  hard over here at camp DVX.  And while that may not be much of an excuse for my lack of posting, it is the reason.  Everyone's hands have been downright overloaded with work just to keep up the pace - which is FULL THROTTLE AHEAD! So I'm just going to pack in the top shelf activities and creations.  A video, an Interview, a show, and a sneak leak of info on what is cooking in the kitchen ;)

The video is for our single Beat In Your Body, and was created thanks to all of our Kickstarter supporters from The Cinema Thanks You campaign.  So here that is, and thanks again to everyone that pitched in.

We have been very blessed with the opportunity to talk with the folks at Music Tech Magazine, and while this Q&A session is a bit on the technical side for some folks, I love that we are able to give some insight into HOW we make our sounds and do what we do :)

Dionvox Music Tech Interview

And to keep up the pace of this info fest, here is the foxy poster for our upcoming show next Friday night at The Royal Room in Seattle.

And last but certainly not least - the ol' sneak peak leak of what is boiling in our caldron.  ;)
While I can't name any names yet, here's the rundown.  I am a lucky gal who gets to collaborate with some of the deepest seattle musician cats, whose sounds greatly influenced me growing up.  The track is titled Your Name, and is a sultry breakup song - and who doesn't love one of those every once in a while?! Think intimate verses with an epic chorus complete with a full choir singing behind me.  We will be recording with the musicians in a few weeks, and then it will be time to mix, master, shoot a video, and then let this little birdie out of the nest and into the world.

We, at camp DVX are grinding it out more hours per day than not.  But we (I anyhow) are moving towards balance in our activities, and are bringing on new partners on the biz side so that we can put more of our focus on what we love and do best:  MUSIC.  But I also love writing, so you will be hearing from me again soon enough.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Cinema Thanks You

Wowzah! It's been some wild times over here in camp DVX.  We just completed our new EP as a part of our kickstarter campaign to make 2013 an unstoppable year (figuratively speaking of course, the year probably won't care to stop no matter what happens to us...)!
We played an amazing and wonderful show at the Crocodile with Land Of Pines and Chaos Chaos, we are playing again at Chop Suey with Yevtushenko on Dec. 20th, and a big ol' Birthday (mine) and Kickstarter Success (hopefully) show on January 4th at the Mix with Station to Station.  I could try and wax on about a lot of other arbitrary things and details, but instead I think you should just watch our video to see what's on the hotplate :D


Friday, November 9, 2012

The illest...

     I have been fairly out of commission for a week now... It has been a long time since a cold has grabbed ahold of me so viciously.  But then again, I probably needed some of the "rest".  Our Dia De Los Muertos show was fun.  So was the Free Pussy Riot benefit we played.  I think my mind is still blunted from this epic illness though, because try as I might, I am barely even able to string these sentences together, let alone make them witty or interesting...
     So I will just be dull and frank about the upcoming events and happenings in the land of DVX.  We are releasing a collection of songs (which was supposed to drop this week, but then I got sick...) in tandem with campaign for music video moolah.  We are playing a big show at the Crocodile on Dec. 2nd - - And yeah... I really need to drink a cup of coffee or something and then get back to where my mind used to be...

But here is a fun photo of our hostess from D of D party and myself.  She had the best costume and makeup of anyone in the show I think... 

Happy Friday, and hopefully I'll be back soon, with all of my missing abilities ;)


Monday, September 24, 2012

Cabaret Futurism

What a delightful if not wild whirlwind we have been in this last week.  Our good friend James from the UK has been in town and staying with us.  He was even so kind (and fun) as to write a new song with us yesterday and to record some sitar on it for us :)  We have also added some Paul to the mix.  We now have a Paul on bass, Scobra now hitting his guitar strings, and a Paul on drums.  Our first full band rehearsal is in a few days, and then the unveiling of said new outfit will be at our show on October 1st at the Fun House.  Which-btw- is closing at the end of October.  So for all of you Seattle punk rock fans, come out come out wherever you are, before it is too late!
In other news, we are coming around the corner towards finishing our second album, and starting our plans for an east coast / midwest tour this spring with our sound sister Niki Avataria.  I am getting very excited about that!

And last but not least, here's a little video we shot probably about 2 years ago, but never had the chance to release.  Here she is:

xoxo Dionvox

Monday, September 10, 2012

The End

It's over, I think.  Summer that is.  And with it, I am wrapping up the film Ghostlight, my season of canning blueberry jam is done, we are in the midst of another round of new songs for the next album.  And all the while, we continue to play shows.  This thursday we play at The Can Can, October first at the Funhouse, and then Nov. 2nd we are throwing our big annual Dia De Los Muertos extravaganza at the Rendezvous... And since I am still wearing these crazy long fingernails from the movie, typing is not my forte at the moment.  So instead, I'll just post some fun pics from the summer :)

I should probably explain all of this, but instead, I think you should all write a fictional caption in your mind... You'll probably like it better than mine anyhow ;)


Saturday, June 9, 2012

VIDEO - RAMA from our show last night

Our show last night at The Mix with Mothrider and Terabyte and the Battery Eaters was AWESOME!  And to top it off, our good friend Kiliii Fish was kind enough to do a beautiful job capturing some of it on  camera.  So I have to share all three videos.

Next up: Our show on wednesday at the Rendezvous Jewelbox Theatre with RavenmusiK.

xoxox - Dionvox