Monday, September 24, 2012

Cabaret Futurism

What a delightful if not wild whirlwind we have been in this last week.  Our good friend James from the UK has been in town and staying with us.  He was even so kind (and fun) as to write a new song with us yesterday and to record some sitar on it for us :)  We have also added some Paul to the mix.  We now have a Paul on bass, Scobra now hitting his guitar strings, and a Paul on drums.  Our first full band rehearsal is in a few days, and then the unveiling of said new outfit will be at our show on October 1st at the Fun House.  Which-btw- is closing at the end of October.  So for all of you Seattle punk rock fans, come out come out wherever you are, before it is too late!
In other news, we are coming around the corner towards finishing our second album, and starting our plans for an east coast / midwest tour this spring with our sound sister Niki Avataria.  I am getting very excited about that!

And last but not least, here's a little video we shot probably about 2 years ago, but never had the chance to release.  Here she is:

xoxo Dionvox

Monday, September 10, 2012

The End

It's over, I think.  Summer that is.  And with it, I am wrapping up the film Ghostlight, my season of canning blueberry jam is done, we are in the midst of another round of new songs for the next album.  And all the while, we continue to play shows.  This thursday we play at The Can Can, October first at the Funhouse, and then Nov. 2nd we are throwing our big annual Dia De Los Muertos extravaganza at the Rendezvous... And since I am still wearing these crazy long fingernails from the movie, typing is not my forte at the moment.  So instead, I'll just post some fun pics from the summer :)

I should probably explain all of this, but instead, I think you should all write a fictional caption in your mind... You'll probably like it better than mine anyhow ;)
