Friday, July 3, 2009

Keepin' on

     AH!!, sometimes I wonder why I have such a hard time posting more often.  But then, when I really think about it, I know exactly why.  When I have a lot on my mind, I tend to be very internal about how I weigh and process it.  And to be quite frank: I have had a lot on my mind.  I'm not saying that it's a good excuse, or that I should even be making any... I'm just saying-.
     See, and now I find myself in the same spot: I have self depreciated, and now what the hell do I write?  Money? Never had enough, still don't, maybe someday though...  Opportunities? Tons of them! Too many to really even keep a running list of.  I'm a lucky duck.  Music?  We recently posted two new songs, Bend, and Phenomenon Jubilee.  They were both recorded some time ago, and then got put in the "vault".  RTB can be quite a force, and within the last year and a half or so, we have scratched out at least 140 songs.  Often times, I will record the vocals, and then we will just move on to the next song without even playing it back.  So there's a healthy bunch of songs that we have laid down, that I have never even heard yet.  That was kind of the case with Bend.  Then, Phenomenon Jubilee was a song we recorded back in the earlier days (as in the winter before last).  I always liked it, longed to hear it again, and sang what I could remember of it to myself in the car...  So it was really fun for me to be able to share it finally!
     Ah, and then I suppose, if nothing else, I can run through a few cool new updates.  As I mentioned before, we got this great 'sponsored song' deal with Microsoft Windows through our ReverbNation site.  We get to give away free downloads of our song Catalyst, and then Windows pays us 50 cents per download.  Totally cool right?  Right.  And it was also rather flattering to see who our "competition" is.  They have some great other bands that they chose along with us.  And thanks to Scobra's tech-know-how and all of his cool friends, we have been steadily making our way up the charts both with the Windows sponsored songs, and ReverbNation.  I'll be honest, we've been on the charts (towards or at the top) for a while now.  And while I couldn't tell you what any of the literal or tangible benefits are of this, or even what it really means, it still strikes me as very cool to know that normal people who just work too hard, can actually accomplish things like that.  
     Well, I think I'm chatted out.  I will return and write something more artistic or poignant soon.  I'm very distracted right now because what with the fourth of July coming up, I keep hearing fireworks going off.  Only I live in the middle of Hollywood, so I am not used to the fireworks sound, and I keep thinking that there are raging gun battles going on down the block... so yeah, distracted.
check out our ReverbNation site, there's a green banner with a sad-girl in the corner, and a bright yellow button to the right that you can click on to get Catalyst for free :)

Over and Out

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