Thursday, June 25, 2009


     Howdy, so I just wanted to write about what an interesting and great day it has been so far.  This is really just me being excited and wanting to share some of it with any interested parties.  
     First off, it is Scobra's birthday today.  That in and of itself is cause to celebrate.  On top of that, DJ Hail, our band mate came by today and took us all out to lunch and dessert to celebrate.  As someone who is still in the starving artist faze of the game (although we're really starting to come up by leaps and bounds!) going out to eat is like how other people feel about national holidays.  Pizza, salad, and frozen yogurts of different flavors with different toppings... is it truly christmas in June?  So I am beyond feeling full and content.  Then I get home and check all of the missed calls and texts, and who sent me a line? Why my dear friend Marissa Meryl.  And she hooked me up with an audition/reading this weekend for a thriller film that she is working on.  Soundtrack?... Role?....  (Oh yeah, for those of you that don't know, I have spent my whole life working on performing.  So that includes a LOT of acting training and technique.  And as a further side note, I actually met Marissa through a school that we both attended and graduated from on the Meisner Technique).  But to top it off even further, as I'm getting off of the phone with Marissa, Scobra yells from the studio for me to come in quick.  I go in, and our song Catalyst is playing live on LA Talk Radio's Music Highway, Sheena Metal Experience.  I have been lucky enough by now to have heard other people say that they heard us (RTB) on the radio, I have even heard recordings of it.  But not until now have I experienced it live.  I can't exactly say that this means the world to me, or that I think that I feel more valid in any way.  But we just launched a big promo through Mircosoft Windows, where they place their advertising on our "product" (or should I say our song Catalyst)  and then they pay us to give it away free.  Yeah, it's like a dream come true for me as an artist.  Not in the corporate branding sense, but in the sense that I get to give away something that I love, and think is great; to a bunch of people that I think would like it, and whom I think are great.  And then at the end of the day, instead of losing money like I usually would, I'm MAKING MONEY! 
     The point of the last bit of that tangent was really just that a LOT of things are starting to happen at a much more rapid pace than before.  It makes for a little more stress, and a LOT more work.  But then there are those magical moments like I had today when I heard Catalyst on the radio.  It's in those few moments that I get to step outside of myself, and all of the work that I am doing, and all of the thoughts and worries that I am thinking, and just let myself experience what I'm doing for a moment.  It's a fun breath of fresh air when you remember, 'oh yeah, this stuff that I'm doing is kinda cool, huh? And I'm really doing something with it'.  
     In all honesty, I would be a bold-faced liar if I told you that I "know" what I'm doing.  I think at the very best, I have an ant's-eye-view of a general direction that I am taking.  But I have at least actually committed to a direction, and struck out on the adventure of it all, and.... well, I guess it's just mostly nice to know that the direction I have chosen hasn't lead me to the lava pit or the wasteland (yet).
    So here it is: Yipee!!!!!
I so rarely have a moment to celebrate, that I am taking this one now to do so.  And at the risk of sounding "preachy", for no reason at all, you should just go out and do something fun or cool, or happy.  Rock out with yourself to the superlative level!

Although, if you would be so kind as to celebrate with camp RTB for a sec., you should click on this link and download our song catalyst for free! You'll get a fly freebie with no strings attached, and we'll get 50 cents :) 


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