Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm not in Kansas anymore...

Oh gosh!  Oh man!  I have been in something very close to a cyclone of activity for these last few months!  And so these posts have been painfully lacking!  So here's the quick and dirty rundown of the whole she-bang.

We made it to the second round of the SPIN magazine/Popchips competition, where we threw a big show, and made a video.  Here are a few fun shots of that:

And then we also entered into the Tenlegs.com Butterfly Effect competition.  Made first place in the music category too! :)  Check it out here: tenlegs.com

AND.... We are throwing a big ol' Dia De Los Muertos party/show coming up.  If you are local to the NW, you should check it out:  Dia De Los Muertos

Holy time-warp batman! Or should I say: Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.  Everything is in technicolor, and I have hardly enough time to even post about adventures!


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