So... Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately. The photos should explain some of that. I am right handed, so writing in general has been a challenge. I will have you know however, that I have now written lyrics with my left hand (in kindergarten-tastic penmanship). One handed peck-typing has been tricky as well. It has shown me how lucky I have been up until recently, being able to put my thoughts down on paper or screen as fast as I can think them. Boy, that has not been the case as of recent. But I am healing nicely (or at least itching a lot!!!). And in a few more weeks, I'll be back in quick-action with my right hand :)
I will let you know now, that next month on May 14th we are playing a big fundraiser for the American Heart and Lung Association. It promises to be an epic affair!
xoxoxox (can't type anymore, my left side is screaming at me from over-use... Have you ever mopped an industrial photo studio one-handed in 20 minutes flat???!!!! I have...)
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