Friday, January 28, 2011


We have been working on Caught Up again :)  It is one of the earlier songs we wrote, and Scobra recently put some finishing touches on this little darling.  That's the nice thing about having such a massive back log of songs... There's always something fresh, lurking in the vault. So I thought that an interesting post would be the lyrics.  I originally wrote it for Tupac's birthday, in a sense, this song is very much in honor of him.  We also had a marvelous rehearsal earlier this week, which has been tastefully retold by filmmaker Jeriah Goad.  He was attending the session because he is going to be shooting the music video for Caught Up ( !!!! : - D  ).   He wrote a post about it on his blog, and so without further ado, here is a link to it:

And now for my words, which have now been written so long ago, I surprised myself with them.


Percolation of my brainwaves, peeking into the microwaves.
Teacher I'll be good, I 'll behave,
But dirty like a little knave.

Raven's shadow overhead, I'm channelling a medium.
Killing time with tedium, matriarch of the Citydom.

I wear my sadness like cenotes, stalagmites point they smote so passe.
Limestone lythos endo-coat me, convicted to every last day.

 I get caught up, I drag me down.
Keep coffins shut, to wear the crown.
Future's today, so clutch it tight.
Let's rip, baby, into the night...
Let's rip, baby, into the night...

Stardust falling, fingers flying, rawness lingers, hot spit drying, light specs sighing, undenying, quartets plying, heartstrings vying. 
Hot lights.... Hot.  Hot.
Hot lights hit me, foxtrot slipping, caught bullwhipping, lunar crypting, people sifting, go out spliffing, endless grifting, jungle drifting.

I am terminally lonely.

Sit on the bridge and watch the stars seep by.
Playing rock star with the cloud smoke high.
Jackie D and my Paul's outcry,
Gimme your first, and we can touch the sky.

I am the perfect sketch, of a placid wretch.
I lead my life outstretched, just waiting to be fetched.
I'm workin' overtime, on every goddamn crime.
Looking for the signs, that end this paradigm.

 I get caught up, I drag me down.
Keep coffins shut, to wear the crown.
Future's today, so clutch it tight.
Let's rip, baby, into the night...
Let's rip, baby, into the night...

I need you, you need me.  Together we are free of responsibility.
Things we drew, on the trees.  Scarred up thick, no one says please.
Sheets hang white, flags flame red.  I know my fight, 'cause I'm dead.
Inner sight, in my bed.  Hold on tight, to your head.  To your head.

From the top I drink myself all the way down to the well.
Amber crystallizing me, I'm a sap stuck in her spell.
Black lacquer, clear glass, living liquor.  Toll of the bell.

 I get caught up, I drag me down.
Keep coffins shut, to wear the crown.
Future's today, so clutch it tight.
Let's rip, baby, into the night...
Let's rip, baby, into the night...

If you would like a sonic accompaniment to this song, to your right (on this screen) is a music player with Caught Up right at the top!



Anonymous said...

Dion you are a very good writer.

Dion Vox said...

Why thank you. I have been working hard at it my whole life. So I'm glad that there seems to be some pay-off ;)