Friday, August 27, 2010

Network the network / Opening Pitch

Wow!  These last few days in particular Scobra and I have been slaving away on the internet trying (and I am now starting to believe that we are succeeding) to link up all of the peeps and loose threads.  18 hour days of it at that!  On one hand, it is exhausting and tedious work... On the other hand, well, we are bringing all 5 fingers together to form a... Fist?  You get the idea!  But through all of it, I must say that I am meeting lots of new people and artists, and that makes me feel exhilarated and happy overall.
I have also been confronting one of my fears: booking shows.  Not just booking RTB, but booking the whole night, and finding other bands to play with.  This is an admittedly silly fear.  But I am the kind of person that takes responsibility very seriously (and I am also secretly very shy...).  And so I have been nervous to take on the responsibility of making the venue and other bands happy by creating a successful event.  I have also been out of the Seattle music scene for a little while, so I really had to just search out new acts that I had never heard of before.  But since taking the plunge, I am just now starting to feel like I may pull it all off!  Lots of really great artists are getting involved, and some of my favorite venues are down for the count!  So while nothing is set in stone yet, and most of the work has still yet to be done, I'm also starting to get pretty jazzed about the whole process.  I'm still sweating, mind you... But now the sweat is more be-be (bb????) sized, and less bullet.
In any event, my brain is partially fried from all of this!  So forgive any awkwardness that comes across in this post.  This evening will give me a moment of fun and rest though.  Ben Shepherd (Soundgarden, Ivan Strega) is (shhh! it's a secret...) throwing the opening pitch for the Seattle Mariners game.  Scobra and I went out last Friday to celebrate the mixing of his album.  And he invited us to come see the more sporty side of him.  Having known Ben for a long time, I can say with absolute confidence that the catcher will not be disappointed by his throw.  He's a dang accurate 90 mph sorta pitcher...  So wish me a good beer and some peanuts at the Ol' Ballgame!


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