Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i know... i know

     Okay, I know that I published a whole little rant (pretty much just to myself) about how I was gonna write more, and post more, and so on.  And for the first few days after I got back from Mexico, I had enough stability and serenity to be idealistic.  But the frank truth is that the "stability and serenity" went the hell out the window a while ago.  No money, starving artist life, all bills overdue, most incoming calls from collection agencies... It goes on.  So aside from working my ass off being a waitress, I've taken to standing on sidewalks selling the band's EP to try and come up with rent (which is still not entirely paid as I type!!)So one lovely Sunday afternoon (last sunday to be exact) I was out in Franklin Village, selling the soul for the rent, and some guy sitting inside a coffee shop saw me out of the window, and wrote a poem about me and gave it to me.  So while I might currently be a bastard without 2 min. to be calm, and write for myself, at least I can post something interesting.  Here's the poem:

On the other side of the Glass

As the cars motored by
And the sun beams ran into her eyes
Hearts floated in the sky
Above and behind
A prisoner to glass cases

Her hair was strands of christmas lights
And somewhere a breeze blew in the night
Across the plain and into sight
Pass the people who were racers
To the corner where she sold her sound from cases

The spot I saw her spirit soar
As I sat inside that coffee shop
And for just a moment had to stop
So that I could smell the roses.

-Follow your bliss, and learn how to operate
 within the system that controls it

By: Erik Arsenti

     makes me sound majestic n' stuff, huh?


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